Congrats on your MPAC accreditation!
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MPCAC welcomes University of Miami
August 2016
Despite the summer being upon us (and a hot one!), we have continued to review and approve a number of pre-applications and self-studies. In mid-August we’ll review the comments from our posting of the draft Accreditation Standards earlier in the summer. If you haven’t had a chance to make comments, you have about another week – we are soliciting and appreciate your feedback.
As we move toward one set of Accreditation Standards, we are also working on our new structure – we will share more details later this fall. Currently we are discussing possible models with our MPCAC Board and MPAC and MCAC Committees.
We are also developing a training program for site visitors. We are very interested in expanding our pool of site visitors – the number of applications really requires that we do so! A call for site visitors will be disseminated later this fall as well.
Finally, we had our first MPCAC meeting under the excellent leadership of our new MPCAC chair, Dr. Eleonora Bartoli.
Enjoy the remaining bits of summer!